Our office is located in Redfield, a popular neighbourhood east of Bristol city centre. Redfield and St George have seen a surge in popularity over the recent years and it has been exciting for us to have been here since 2005 to witness the transformation of an area we have always loved.

Church Road itself has seen several new and exciting shops, restaurants and bars open over the last few years and is a great place to visit. Whether you are looking for a nice lunch or an evening out there is plenty of choice in this area, rumoured to be the next North Street.

We also have two lovely green parks (they’re the inspiration for our name by the way), Netham Park and St George’s Park, which has a Victorian boating lake in the middle, as well as a skate park and tennis courts.

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Parks Estate Agents

Parks Estate Agents

199 Church Road, Redfield, Bristol, BS5 9HL


0117 9551880

Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm | Sat: 9am - 4pm
